The Rehab Center - A Catalyst Company

270 Sterkel Blvd Mansfield, OH 44907
(877) 351-2220


Clinic location map


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Clinic details

An agent of change for body, mind and spirit

The Rehab Center is a private, non-profit rehabilitation agency providing medical rehabilitation, behavioral health, vocational, drug/alcohol treatment and hearing care services for adults and children in north central Ohio. The Audiology Department at The Rehab Center offers comprehensive hearing evaluations for infants, children and adults and hearing aid selection, fitting, follow-up and repair services. A variety of modern digital and conventional hearing aids are available for through the Rehab Center.

(877) 351-2220

Hours of operation

MondayOpen by appointment
TuesdayOpen by appointment
WednesdayOpen by appointment
ThursdayOpen by appointment
FridayOpen by appointment

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit
  • Financial aid
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.
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