SmartStep Hearing - Mobile Hearing Services

Mobile clinic - we come to you!
(503) 388-5426


Photo of Darin Scheurer, HIS from SmartStep Hearing - Mobile Hearing Services

Darin Scheurer,

Hearing Instrument Specialist

Darin Scheurer is a licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist with 12 years of experience in helping people achieve healthy hearing. He specializes in the evaluation and non-medical treatment of hearing loss and has extensive training in hearing evaluation and rehabilitative audiology including hearing instrument dispensing and patient-centered counseling.


We serve within 40 miles of Portland, OR

Clinic location map


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Clinic details

Everyone deserves the opportunity for better hearing

SmartStep Hearing will work with you to find the hearing solution that fits your needs, lifestyle and budget. Our professionals are trained in the latest technology and offer a complete selection of hearing aids and devices from the top manufacturers. We offer mobile services in order to ensure everyone who wants better hearing, has access to better hearing. 

We serve Portland and the Tri-country area: Beaverton, Aloha, Hillsboro, Tigard, King City, Lake Oswego, Tualatin, Wilsonville, West Linn, Oregon City, Sherwood, Aurora, Canby, Newberg, Cornelius, Forest Grove, Marylhurst, Gladstone, Happy Valley, Clackamus and Milwaukie.

Hearing care services

Our services and products include:

  • hearing care services in the privacy of your home or office
  • hearing testing and evaluations
  • hearing aid sales
  • hearing aid repair and services
  • hearing aid loss and damage replacement
  • tinnitus treatment
  • wireless solutions
  • clean and check of devices
  • batteries and accessories
  • 60 day trial 100% money back guarantee
  • 3 year comprehensive warranty
  • 3 year loss or damage protection
(503) 388-5426

Hours of operation

Monday9 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Tuesday9 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Wednesday9 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Thursday9 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Friday9 am - 5 pm
by appointment
Evening and/or weekend hours available by appointment. Please call to schedule.

Clinic links

Accepted forms of payment

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit
  • Financing available for those who qualify
  • Insurance accepted, please call for details
Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.
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