Best Hearing Aid Solutions - Kingwood

2300 Green Oak Dr Suite 900 Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 568-7118


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Healthy Hearing posts all positive and negative reviews that meet publishing criteria.

Read 2 verified patient reviews for Best Hearing Aid Solutions - Kingwood! Their average review score is 5 () from 2 reviews.

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“Mr Cornelius, is very professional and is very good at matching his patients with the right hearing aids. Very competent! ”

Joy B. of Huffman, TX   
10/24/2024    Review submitted online

“Dr Cornelius was kind, courteous and so knowledgeable. From my initial exam to my fitting, he put me at ease. I can now hear! I would recommend his office to everyone ”

Janet B. of Cleveland, TX   
04/22/2023    Review submitted online
(713) 568-7118

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Disclaimer: This clinic profile is for general information purposes only.
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