Jul Hearing Aid Solutions - Martinsburg

2305 Curryville Road Martinsburg, PA 16662
(814) 729-2251


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Healthy Hearing posts all positive and negative reviews that meet publishing criteria.

Read 8 verified patient reviews for Jul Hearing Aid Solutions - Martinsburg! Their average review score is 5 () from 8 reviews.

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“Julie and her staff are the BEST,”

Helen B. of Martinsburg, PA   
11/01/2024    Review submitted online

“The atmosphere was warm and inviting, I was made to feel comfortable and at ease. Everything was explained by the staff during my visit. Very helpful and professional, they answered all of my questions. Thank you for helping me to hear better, my husband thanks you too!!”

Martha B. of Martinsburg, PA   
10/15/2024    Review submitted online

“ I don’t need them yet but I Julie and Bridget are the best. They make it so easy to get your ears tested and explain everything. And if you have the best insurance around which I’m sure you do if you’re old you are wise and have the best. Anyhow you can get a free hearing test and they’ll take it from there. Try them you’ll like it. Unfortunately, my ears are pretty good. I don’t need them yet, but I know many people that do need them and refuse to get them. Don’t be stubborn, they make ones you can’t even see these days. Call now!”

Bev O. of Hollidaysburg, PA   
09/02/2024    Review submitted online

“The staff at Jul Hearing is concerned, efficient and friendly. I recommend Jul Hearing highly. ”

Joseph B. of Mount Union, PA   
06/19/2024    Review submitted online

“The staff at Jul Hearing are always professional and personable. They have always been very helpful with our hearing needs ”

Fred D. of Okeechobee, FL   
06/19/2024    Review submitted online

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(814) 729-2251

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